Legal note - Nowodvorski

Legal note - Nowodvorski

Legal note

Legal Note Nowodvorski Lighting sp. z o.o.

Preliminary statement

On this website, Nowodworski sp.j. (“NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING”) describes how (“Website”) is managed and general terms of its use.

Accessing the Website and any browsing step on NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING web pages means unconditional acceptance of these terms of use. Anyone who accesses this Website hereby agrees not to use the Website or any of its materials for purposes inconsistent with the applicable legislation.


Intellectual and industrial property rights

The entire content of our Online Service is protected under current copyright and intellectual & industrial property regulations.

The Materials available on the Website may not be used or reused, or reproduced, in whole or in part, disseminated, published or transmitted without prior written consent of NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING. Any other activity which may prejudice reasonable interests of the authors and holders of rights to original works and any designs available on it is prohibited.

In addition to the above-mentioned materials, the Website may contain other materials, including, but not limited to, text, photographs, recorded sequences of photographs and presentations, databases, charts and tables, slogans, audio & video reproductions, as well as any other graphical and/or text materials.

All trademarks, domain names, company names, company & brands names available in the Online Service are the sole property of NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING and thus protected by the applicable trademark regulations. Consequently, it is strictly prohibited to reproduce any listed names and marks in any form or by any method without prior written consent of NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING or to register the trademark of the “Nowodvorski Lighting” brand in any top-level domain.

Pages of our Website may contain trademarks, domain names, company names, company and brands names of third parties with which NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING collaborates to various degree. The mentioned names and marks are protected under applicable copyright and intellectual & industrial property rights, in the same way as NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING’s brands.

NOWODWORSKI would like to respectfully inform you that it is prohibited to use any brand of NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING as metatags ie any HTML components which do not apply to displaying or formatting a specific control element, in delivering instructions to digital agents or search engines to enhance visibility of any online page other than pages related to NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING.

Website content

The website is an online information portal which provides users with current information on Nowodvorski Lighting brand to ensure access to the current product range and brand-related marketing information.

The entire content of our Website (including, but not limited to, news, images, videos, sound, trademarks, logos, domain names, software applications, graphical layouts, technical documentation, assembly instructions, 3D models and other documents available there) and the related rights are reserved; consequently, such content may be used solely for the purpose of obtaining personal details, and any other use without prior written consent of NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING is strictly prohibited.

NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING reserves the right to modify and update any information on its pages at any time and without prior notice, in its sole discretion.

Use of Website

The content of the Website may not be copied, reproduced, re-published, loaded, transcribed, transmitted or disseminated, in whole or in part, by any method or in any form without prior written consent of NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING. In addition, no content in the Online Service may be disclosed – in whole or in part – through communication channels such as the Internet, television systems, radio systems, or any other system, without prior written consent of NOWODVORSKI LIGHTING.

Moreover, the information and materials available in the Online Service may not be used for commercial purposes to establish any databases, and may not be stored (in whole or in part) in any existing data banks; they are only available to the author or made available to third parties.


No links to the home page of the Website currently available on or any other internal page of the Website may be established without prior written consent of Nowodworski sp.j.

All specific links which to not direct the user to an internal page through the home page of the Website currently available on (“deep links”) are hereby specifically prohibited. “Inline linking” which allows the user to automatically display images from the Website on a specific site are also prohibited.

“Framing links” which allow the user to display Online Service pages on a specific subpage of another online service with simultaneous displaying of that page in a dedicated frame instead of an independent window of the Internet browser are also prohibited.

In this regard, please note that legal remedies may be used in the event of failure to comply with this Section, for instance based on unfair competition, on the terms laid down in the currently applicable legislation.


These terms of use may be modified by Nowodvorski Lighting sp. z o.o. without prior notice at any time, and users should regularly consult these terms of use prior to accessing the content of the Website.

Governing law and jurisdiction

These terms of use are subject to and shall be interpreted according to the laws of Poland.

Subject to the foregoing, any controversy arising out of or related to the use of this Website, with particular consideration to these terms of use, shall be resolved by the Court in Częstochowa.

Since these terms of use will be interpreted according to the Polish law, in the event of any dispute as to the interpretation of these terms of use between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.


Keep up to date

For information on the principles of the processing of personal data by the Data Controller and your rights, see the Privacy Policy.

The data controller for the personal data you have shared in this form is NOWODVORSKI SP.J with registered office in Częstochowa at ul. Bojemskiego 11, 42-202 Częstochowa, registered in the District Court in Częstochowa, 17th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the KRS number 0000488518, NIP (Tax ID No.): 9492195881, REGON (Business Statistical ID): 243429077 (hereinafter referred to as “the Data Controller”).

Nowodvorski Lighting sp. z o.o.

ul. Bojemskiego 11

42-202 Częstochowa